GCF Ministries is a christian ministry established for the purpose of strengthening the Church of Christ in the different Nations.
Our mission is to mobilize, organize, equip and enable local churches, Christian networks and ministries to fulfill the Great Commission. Matthew 28:19-20, John20:21.
To be a world transformational church that empowers people spiritually, socially and economically.
Excellence, Integrity, Accountability, Unity, Passion, Partnership and Community
Prayer Equipping Care Outreach
Zechariah 4:7
‘Who are you, O great mountain?
Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain!
And he shall bring forth the capstone
With shouts of “Grace, grace to it!” ’
Our core values, which underpin our Vision and Mission, provide the basis of our engagement with all who are involved or want to be a part of our ministry.
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GCF team
Zechariah 4:7
‘Who are you, O great mountain?
Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain!
And he shall bring forth the capstone
With shouts of “Grace, grace to it!” ’
Four pillar strategy

As a ministry we mobilize & train 12 “Charash” Prayer Force Members in each region each year, we also host a Regional & National Prayer Convocations and lastly we develop 24/7 Prayer Vigil.

We provide relevant discipleship Resource books/ materials for Leadership development & effective discipleship then we train, equip and activate Twelve leaders in each region annually in effective discipleship.

1.Support Care Giving Families to be self reliant as their provide shelter, security, education and nutritional care for orphans & vulnerable children 2. Development of the Micro Business & Micro Loan Program for the economic & empowerment of Christian believers 3. Development of The GCF Pastors Savings & Investment Scheme as well as the Pastors Retirement Benefits Plan. 4. Global TRAIN Foundation – A resource Mobilization platform for contributions to be channeled, managed and distributed for the Spiritual and socio economic transformation programs
Mobilize every believer to be a light for Christ in their respective spheres 2. Deploy RDTP students in House Church Planting and new frontiers Church planting initiatives

Outreach Cont.
3. Provide relevant Support to Partner Churches, Ministries, communities through Love & Care Initiatives with a central purpose of sharing Christ’s love to humanity.
Core Values
*Excellence - We are committed to exhibiting excellence in all we undertake to do *Integrity - We are committed to holiness and godly character in all aspects of our personal and corporate lives
*Accountability - We are dedicated to transparency & accountability to our members and the community. *Unity - We are committed to maintain and uphold unity of the members and team principals. *Passion - Godly passion is our drive and motivation
*Partnership - We are committed to aligning and journeying with like minded organizations. *Community - We esteem the community that we exist in and we desire to see its transformation through our good works that glorify God.
From our blog
Emerging Entrepreneurs
Bishop James and Maria together with Ministry leaders held a beautiful enriching time with Emerging Entrepreneurs in Bungoma. We believe in the Development of economic empowerment initiatives in Africa aimed at transforming the socioeconomic welfare of christian believers.
Reaching Out..
We have deployed A Care Response Team who are visiting all our GCF Churches providing Food Packs to many vulnerable households. We are thankful for seeds sown to us have gone into supporting over 100 families. Our prayer is to expand this to many more who are in dire need particularly In This trying season…
Supporting Micro-enterprises!
Last evening I joined these wonderful sisters prayer and encouragement as they advance in their businesses of fresh fruit and vegetable selling and Grocery & Mpesa shop. Part of our mandate as a church is to provide love and care to the vulnerable. We achieve this by helping in development of Micro Business & Micro…
The Begining
GCF Kenya was established in 1988 by Apostle Peter and Hannah Murunga. They later on handed over the mantle to Bishop James and Maria Wasike who together with four of their children are fulfilling the mandate God has entrusted them with.
Get in touch
Phone : +254710952831
Email : info.gcfkenya@gmail.com
MON-FRI 09:00 – 18:00
SAT-SUN 6:00 – 18:00